Bellara Village always prioritises the care and safety of residents and staff.
Premier Steven Marshall has announced that new restrictions will be put in place effective 11.59pm Wednesday 18th November to restrict movement and slow the virus’ spread. Although Bellara Village will remain open (with essential staff rostered on for residents needs), we WILL NOT accept any visitors until further notice.
The spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a serious concern, particularly for the most vulnerable, including the elderly in our care. Scientists are still learning about COVID-19 and it’s characteristics including the incubation period and transmissibility. We note that the guidelines in regard to best practice containment recommendations for COVID-19 are developing and changing daily. Our early preparation and response planning to the risk of exposure and treatment of COVID-19 is entirely based on the information and guidance materials issued and regularly updated by the Department of Health.
We will continue to work proactively and in partnership with the Department of Health, who is leading Australia’s response and developing recommendations for Aged Care providers. The Department has developed an information sheet for Residents of Residential Care Services and for Family Members (which is attached for your reference). Bellara continues to assess the risk and take steps to prevent, detect and control the spread of infections.
The below were updated on 18th November 2020:
If you are a Bellara Village Resident, Family Member or provide professional services to Bellara Village, please read about your role in preventing the spread of the virus here: Letter to residents and families
The Australian government’s Department of Health has also released vital information for those in the aged care community.
If you are a resident (residential or independent living), family member or visitor into our aged care homes, please click here.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Marisa on 0427 532 202.